The NorCal Lacrosse Association offers programs and general support to all lacrosse programs in Northern California. Please read below a short description of our key programs. To get involved or to request support through one of these programs please email
Since 2005, the NorCal Lacrosse Association has been coordinating the Hall of Fame nomination process and ceremony. The Hall of Fame honors those individuals who have made an impact on NorCal lacrosse in their field and offers several nomination categories (Program Administrator, Champion of the Game, Player, Official and Coach). Please contact or for more information or to help coordinate the event.
Next Hall of Fame Ceremony Oct 5, 2024
Event Coordinator Assistant is needed for 2024
Ballot Committee Lead is needed to select the 2025 and 2026 classes
The NorCal Lacrosse Convention is an event that the NorCal Lacrosse Association coordinates to promote and support the growth of lacrosse at all levels of play. Coaches, officials and program administrators are invited to attend classroom and field demo sessions to learn from some of the best in the lacrosse community. Please contact to volunteer to assist or to learn more about the event.
Next Convention pending a volunteer coordinator
The NorCal Lacrosse Association coordinates the Senior All Star game in late May /early June to honor the best seniors in the region and bring together the NorCal lacrosse community in support of growing the game. All proceeds from the event are used for the event and to operate the stick loaner program which provides sticks to new lacrosse programs and teams free of charge. Please contact or for further information or to volunteer.
Next Senior All Star Game May 18, 2025 (more info coming in Jan)
Coaches for each team and a event coordinator are needed for 2025 please email your interest to
The NorCal Lacrosse Association has an outreach program to bring development tools to new and under-served areas. The program offers a wide range of support including player clinics, coach development and team/club development. Please contact for further information.
The NorCal Lacrosse Association provides loaner sticks and equipment for girls and boys, mostly in pre-high school ages to introduce the game. Equipment is available on a first come, first served basis for a limited time period and must be returned. Programs are asked to pay for shipping or pick the equipment up from our program manager listed below. Please contact for more information.
At this time the NorCal Lacrosse Association does not directly offer financial support. However, the NorCal Lacrosse Foundation provides summer scholarships to players and loans or grants to organizations in Northern California. For more information, visit the Grants and Loans page on the NorCal Lacrosse Foundation website.